NEW! Tropical Mandala Coloring Book and eColoring!

16 Inspirational Mandala Designs
$19.99 (plus tax, $5 shipping and handling, in the US. Allow 4 - 6 weeks shipping.)
David K. Griffin is an artist and graphic designer who’s been living the beach life and creating art in Venice, Florida since 2004. David’s graphic design, illustration and fine art background is extensive. He’s been a leader and mentor in the arts community - notably in Burlington, Vermont, where in 2000 he was presented with a plaque from the City of Burlington thanking him for his contributions to the arts community and helping to “nurture creativity and imagination in children of all ages.” David has been winning awards for both his fine art and graphic design work for years. In 2016, he designed a book for renowned fine art photographer, Clyde Butcher, Celebrating America’s National Parks, which won prestigious awards in an international publishing competition. In 2020, David won a merit award from the Venice Art Center for his original acrylic painting, Golden Beach. His designs and and paintings are in collectors homes and businesses from Vermont to California and throughout Florida. Canvas Prints, Books and Home Decor products, featuring David’s designs, available at:
Mandala, literally meaning circle or round (in Sanskrit) - a magical form with radial balance, a shape without beginning or end - a cosmic diagram reminding us of our relationship to infinity, extending beyond and within our bodies and minds. In Buddhism, the mandala represents the nature of the “pure land, enlightened mind” - used in support of the meditating person. The “circle of life” has been depicted in mandala-like forms by cultures throughout history, from Aztec sun stones to Christian altars. The circle is also associated with eternity, balance and perfection - the last one mainly because the distance from the circle’s center to any point in its outline is the same. New age mandalas represent an organizational structure of life itself. A spiritual journey that is never ending and forever connected.
Cheers! - David